
My goal is a publicly available Azure API Management Developer Portal where the users can sign in if they want, but the sign up functionality has been disabled - you have to be invited by us to get a user.

I've enabled the Management API and use the Sign Up settings page to PATCH with this body. This returns a 204 No Content, so the call seems to be correct.

  "properties": {
    "enabled": false

I would have expected to that sign up was removed and disabled from the portal, but it's not. What I see instead is that 'Username and Password' has been removed from Identities in the Azure Portal. Users can still sign in and sign up even though this is removed, which I find weird.

Has anybody experience the same? Any suggestions to what I could try?


2 Answers


Currently this Sign Up Settings - Update API can only works for legacy Developer portal.

New Developer portal is still in the development stage, and this feature is not available yet.


In the new developer portal, you can remove Sign up navigation item and hide it at least from the menu. Don't forget to republish the portal after changes.

enter image description here