
I often position and use camera.lookAt on my perspective camera so I am sure how my camera is oriented. However, with a FirstPersonCameraController it start to roll when I move the camera from left to right and thus not properly functioning anymore as a FirstPersonCameraController. Is there a way to fix this or use the FirstPersonCameraController to make the camera look at a specific point to keep it functioning properly? Without using lookAt or rotating the camera on both x and y axis the FirstPersonCameraController functions properly, so I guess it is just a by product from working on a already rotated camera.


1 Answers


At the time of writing the last line of the question I fixed the issue, still posting to help others.

I figured I reset the up vector of the camera. I guess the FirstPersonCameraController uses this to calculate rotation. So after rotating the camera (or using lookAt):

camera.up.set(0, 1, 0);

Thanks for being my rubber duck once again stackoverflow.