Today I setup Kubernetes cluster with 3 VMS running Redhat Linux 8.0. I am able to deploy services and pods also but do failed to understand role of master considering pods are hosted on nodes/workers not on master, is this correct?
My Cluster:
Serverone: Master
Serverthree: Worker Node
Serverfour: Worker Node
I deployed sample service (with 3 replicas) from here
I see all three pods are running but "1" is running on serverone, which is my master node.
hello-kubernetes-594f6f475f-hkn85 Running serverone
hello-kubernetes-594f6f475f-mct2r Running serverfour
hello-kubernetes-594f6f475f-vjchd Running serverfour
Any idea why I am seeing POD running on master node?
My cluster tech details....
serverfour Ready worker4 40m v1.18.3
serverone Ready master 3d3h v1.18.3
serverthree NotReady worker3 20h v1.18.3