I am trying to deploy a flask app using boto3 and aws3 buckets, on an ububtu18.04 server. Using apache2 and mod_wsgi.
The app runs smoothly when I run it locally or test it on server trough port 4447, by pipenv run python3 app.py. However when it try to deploy it trough apache with mod_wsgi with the same virtualenv I am getting, No module named concurrent.futures I have installed futures, pipenv install futures
but it doesn’t work!
[Sat Jun 06 08:34:41.524049 2020] [wsgi:error] [pid 4927:tid 140619001349888] [client] s3_resource = boto3.resource('s3') …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… import concurrent.futures
[Sat Jun 06 08:34:41.526797 2020] [wsgi:error] [pid 4927:tid 140619001349888] [client] ImportError: No module named concurrent.futures
.config file:
WSGIScriptAlias /trendy /var/www/trendy/flaskapp.wsgi
<Directory /var/www/trendy>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Alias /static /var/www/trendy/static
<Directory /var/www/trendy/static/>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
flaskapp.wsgi file:
activate_this = '/home/ubuntu/.local/share/virtualenvs/trendy-TkTqI5qg/bin/activate_this.py'
with open(activate_this) as file_:
exec(file_.read(), dict(__file__=activate_this))
import sys
import logging
from uuid import uuid4
from app import app as application
application.secret_key = uuid4().hex