I have about 400 users in one OU. About 100 of these users have the Description field blank. The field Decription should now be filled with the value for the respective one in the attribute EA6. I want to use powershell for this. Can someone support here? Thanks in advance. Herman
These could be the first step. now the srcipt should get the EA1 to variable of all Users in $name and write this to the description of them.
$OUpath = 'OU=XX,OU=XXXX,OU=XXXXXXX,OU=Users,OU=XX,DC=XXX,DC=XXXXXXXXX,DC=XX' $name = Get-AdUser -Filter {(Enabled -eq "True" ) -and (description -notlike '*')} -searchbase $OUpath -Properties Description | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SamAccountName
by providing the-SearchBase
parameter. – Olaf