I'm attempting to write a function that takes in my UserModel, and preforms a couple of checks to see if the user
- Is locked
- Hasn't attempted too many logins within a time period.
and then returns a Boolean indication of the result.
The lookups work within my Authentication process. But I wanted to break out the code that determines if the user is allowed to (attempt) login so I can use it in more than one place without repeating code.
However (being new to Vapor/Swift) i am getting an error and I cannot work out what I'm doing wrong: Cannot convert return expression of type 'EventLoopFuture' to return type 'Bool'
The Error is on the line }.all().map { (separated onto a line by itself so its easier to find).
Database structure wise I have 2 tables involved:
- UserAccess which holds my user profile details (how many bad attempts this user can have, and how far back in the log do we look for login attempts)
- UserLog, which hows the login attempts for each user and when they made the attempt
This is my code snippet so far:
func CanUserLogin(user: UserModel, req: Request) -> EventLoopFuture<Bool> {
if(!(user.locked ?? false)) {
let userProfileId = user.userprofile
return Usertype.query(on: req.db)
.filter(\.$profilenum == userProfileId)
.first().map { useraccess in
let badloginperiod = Double((useraccess!.badloginperiod ?? 0) * -1 * 60) // convert minutes to seconds (we need a negative number)
let lookUpDate = Date().addingTimeInterval(badloginperiod)
return Userlog.query(on: req.db).group(.and) {
and in
and.filter(\.$username == user.username)
and.filter(\.$datecreated >= lookUpDate)
}.all().map {
UserLogs -> Bool in
let value = userLogs.count
// the account is locked or the max attempts for the time peroid
if(value >= (useraccess.maxloginattempts ?? 3)) {
return false
} else {
return true
Any direction would be greatly appreciated.