HI I am creating an XSLT file for transforming XML. I want to count records with condition
<BankAccountTable class="entity">
<BankChequeTable class="entity">
<VendTable class="entity">
<BankChequeTable class="entity">
<VendTable class="entity">
<BankChequeTable class="entity">
<VendTable class="entity">
Now i want to count BankAccountTable records where ChequeStatus must equals to Payment can any one suggest how to achieve this. I am using Xsl:stylesheet version="1.0". I am able to count all record by using this line of code:
<xsl:for-each select="/BankAccountTable"> <xsl:variable name="totalCount" select="count(child::BankChequeTable)"></xsl:variable>
but I want it with condition. for following example count must be equals to 2.
Any help will be appreciated.