While inserting a record into a table in Oracle, the time stamp in the created date column is 4 pm UTC(in the complete format eg...2020-05-20 10:30:20.15 UTC). That is verified even just before calling the save method of Mybatis. After the save method is called, the created date column in the new record in the DB does not have UTC as the time. It shows 4 pm Asia/Calcutta. The numeric part of the time stamp is correct but the timezone got changed.
Our code is in Spring framework - mybatisMapper.save(events) .. the created_date column in events POJO is of java.util.Date type. We are trying to insert a record in DB hosted in Montreal. select dbtimezone from dual; DBtimezone of the sever - -04:00 means American/Montreal time zone(hosted in America/Montreal)
select sessiontimezone from dual; session time zone - Asia/Calcutta.(because the application is running in India).
Data type of the created date column is TIME STAMP WITH TIMEZONE. Is mybatis changing the time zone by any chance or is it dropping it altogether and letting Oracle decide the timezone by itself?
. Can you check the one on your local system and the database host? – VarganPreparedStatement#setTimestamp()
and that caused time zone related issues. Support of Java Time API varies between DBs/drivers. ForOffsetDateTime
, see here for more info. – ave