I have a bunch of apps e.g. App1, App2 ,App3 and so on. Each app is independent from others but all of them use the LDAPS authentication scheme so the "account" used to login is the same.
I set up a db table (tblUserApps) in which I match each app with the users that is allowed to use it and join with the apex view apex_applications. I modify the value of home_link field (f?p=&APP_ID.:1:&SESSION.) replacing the &APP_ID. part with the appID in tblUserApps.
The link in apex page is like this:
User | AppID ---> home_link used in apex
UsrA | 101 ---> f?p=101:1:&SESSION.
UsrA | 102 ---> f?p=102:1:&SESSION.
UsrB | 101 ---> f?p=101:1:&SESSION.
UsrB | 103 ---> f?p=103:1:&SESSION.
UsrC | 102 ---> f?p=102:1:&SESSION.
... | ...
For each app in apex I set the auth scheme with the same cookie name for custom session sharing but every app I access requests the login.
I found a solution here but after setting the same cookie name for each app the login page is shown every time I try to pass to a different app.