I have the following smtlib code:
(declare-fun res () (Array Int Int))
(declare-fun other () (Array Int Int))
(assert (not (=> (= res other)
(forall ((x Int))
(< (select res x) 4)))
(assert (= (select other 0) 1))
If I run it with z3 4.8.7 it is SAT and I get this model:
(define-fun other () (Array Int Int)
(store ((as const (Array Int Int)) 1) 2 4))
(define-fun res () (Array Int Int)
(store ((as const (Array Int Int)) 1) 2 4))
This means that both arrays are 'mutated' in order to fullfill the assertion (in the end it is making the forall-clause failing). But I would like the other-array to be fixed. At the moment it behaves like a variable (say integer variable) but I want it be rather a constant (like a fixed number, i.e. 1, in case of integers). Refering to the statement (assert (= (select other 0) 1)) it simply should contain a 1 at position 0 and this must be fixed. Is there a way to model this? If the other-array would behave like that then the above input should be UNSAT.