I'm at a loss for how to do something which I imagine one of you gurus has done before and shouldn't be too challenging. I have two sheets in my workbook (Let's call them ITEMS and LOCS).
Sheet ITEMS has a list of unique items in column A (roughly 10,000) and sheet LOCS has the items in column A and their locations in Column B. Now the issue arises since many items have multiple locations (up to five) and thus occupy multiple rows on the LOCS sheet. Is there a way to use some combination of VLOOKUP or MATCH in column B on my ITEMS sheet to get all the locations into one cell separated by a comma space. Obviously, if I put =VLOOKUP($A:$A, LOCS!$A:$B,2,0)
into cell ITEMS!B1 it will only return the first location. Ideally, I would want it to display something like this: Shelf, Desk, Floor. Any ideas or pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated--thanks so much!
Post some sample data and desired result.
– basic
I posted a little data for you all! Hope it helps make what I was asking more clear. I'm pretty new to VBA but am slowly getting the hang of it so if that's the best way to do it I would understand
– bgensits
I am also sure that this should be possible through PowerQuery as another option besides formulas
– JvdV
2 Answers