  1. Table 1 (Combined Hours) I have a list of [payweek], which is many repeated Image of Combined Table

  2. Table 2 (All Scripts), I have a list of jobs and two dates, [Scripting Date] and [R4PreScriptDate] Image if All Scripts table

  3. I am trying to find the number of unique [payweek]s between the [Scripting Date] and the [R4PreScriptDate]

  4. The DAX formula is below. My result is always 3. However, I am expecting variable answers (0,1, 2,3,4 or 5)

    R4PreScriptWkCt = CALCULATE(DISTINCTCOUNTNOBLANK(CombinedHours[payWeek]),FILTER(CombinedHours, 
    CombinedHours[payWeek] <= MAX (AllScripts[Scripting Date] )
    && CombinedHours[payWeek] >= MAX (AllScripts[R4PreScriptDate] ) ))

Thank you,

If you can provide some example data and expected result it would be much more easy to help you.Agustin Palacios
thank you for the feedback.I added the two tables.Rachel Kelly

1 Answers


I assumed that both tables are related by Job Number. I created the following measure:

R4PreScriptWkCt =
VAR __date2 = MAX ( AllScripts[R4PreScriptDate] )
VAR __date1 = MAX ( AllScripts[Scripting Date] )
VAR __job = MAX ( AllScripts[Job Number] )
VAR __subTable =
    FILTER (
        CombinedHours[Job Number] = __job
            && CombinedHours[Week] >= __date1
            && CombinedHours[Week] <= __date2
    CALCULATE ( DISTINCTCOUNTNOBLANK ( CombinedHours[Week] ), __subTable )

Hope it helps you.