
How to get router path on NavigationStart event in angular 8

      .pipe(filter(event => event instanceof NavigationStart))
      .subscribe((event: NavigationStart) => {
         // how to get router path of on going navigation

I could use event.url, but my application has some of the named outlet, url is mixed of opened named outlet. so looking to find router path of ongoing navigation on NavigationStart.


2 Answers


Use ActivatedRoute instead of Router

You may subscribe url observable and join segments or use snapshot. It is well documented here.



Inject both the Router and ActivatedRoute services.

When the navigation starts, traverse the activated route to find the outlet.

You can use the following code as a starting point.

        filter(event => event instanceof NavigationStart),
        map(() => this.activatedRoute),
        map(activatedRoute => {
            while (activatedRoute.firstChild !== null) {
                activatedRoute = activatedRoute.firstChild

            return activatedRoute
        filter(activatedRoute => activatedRoute.outlet === "primary"),
        mergeMap(activatedRoute => activatedRoute.url),

Note: This code will work even if you write it in your root component. The activated route doesn't only denote the route for a particular component that injected it. An activated route represents the entire route tree that led up to your current route.

In your root component activated route is a reference to the route that activated the component i.e. "/". However, you can travel down the route tree to visit other routes (if any).

Similarly, in other components the activated route is a reference to the route that activated that component. But you can traverse up and down to visit other routes.