I'm using react-leaflet. to show the map in my react app. I'm also showing marker on the map too. The problem is the zoom level is not appropriate because sometimes the marker might be quite near to each other and sometimes they will be very far apart. Is there any way to set the zoom level depending on the distance of the markers so that the user can see all the markers at once?
Here is my code
<Map center={center} maxZoom={9} zoom={5}>
<MarkerClusterGroup showCoverageOnHover={false}>
markers.map(({fillColor, position, id}) =>
<CircleMarker fillColor={fillColor} color={darken(0.1, fillColor)} radius={10} fillOpacity={1} key={id} center={position} onClick={this.onClick} />
P.S: My react-leaflet version is 2.4.0