
I have checked AWS Billing and I am being billed for an Idle EIP address. I recently had a non-default VPC with NAT Gateway and VPC that I created. However I deleted all the resources and the VPC.

When I check under the Elastic IP section in the VPC and EC2 services in the Management Console there are no EIPs showing.

Any advice on how I can resolve this please? There is no resource showing in the CSV file.

Service, Operation, UsageType, Resource, StartTime, EndTime, UsageValue AmazonEC2,AssociateAddressVPC,EU-ElasticIP:IdleAddress,,05/01/20 00:00:00,05/01/20 01:00:00,1



2 Answers


As per aws.

An Elastic IP address doesn’t incur charges as long as the following conditions are true:

  • The Elastic IP address is associated with an EC2 instance.
  • The instance associated with the Elastic IP address is running.
  • The instance has only one Elastic IP address attached to it.

You can check the Elastic IP resource under EC2 and release the EIP


As stated the EIP was not showing in the AWS Management Console. Using the CLI I could see the EIP and release it.

$ aws ec2 describe-addresses
    "Addresses": [
            "PublicIp": "XX.XX.XXX.XXX",
            "AllocationId": "eipalloc-085acf12e1abb0847",
            "Domain": "vpc",
            "PublicIpv4Pool": "amazon",
            "NetworkBorderGroup": "eu-west-1"

$ aws ec2 release-address --allocation-id eipalloc-085acf12e1abb0847