From my research, when a bunch of cells are merged, you can only reference the first row and first column of the merged cells. EG. if A1:A3 are merged, then I can only access the data using A1 only, and A2 and A3 returns 0.
Now let's say I have a column B that has a formula that calculates based on values in column A. If I drag this formula down, then B2 and B3 will end up using value of 0, when they should be using value in A1.
Effectively, what i want to do is "if the cell in column A (of this row) is blank, then use the last non-blank value going upwards".
I know this will need to combine a couple of formulas, but I can't figure out how to create this. For a start, I can use the Offset function to "go up", but the difficult part here is how to find the previous non-blank cell?
I also tried combing OFFSET with COUNTA (see, but this doesn't work if this occurs multiple times.