I have 2 sprites which when drawn together make up the correct image on the screen. Drawing them both at the same time is not an option.
Imagine this class:
class MyImage
Vector2 drawOffset; // this gets added before the image is drawn
Vector2 sourceRect; // this is where it is on the source texturepage
void Draw(Vector2 position)
position = position + drawOffset;
spriteBatch.Draw(sourceTexture, position, sourceRect, Color.White);
And this code calling into it:
MyImage a = new MyImage(); // assume they get initialised correctly
MyImage b = new MyImage(); // with different drawOffsets and sourceRects
a.Draw(position); // this composes the final
b.Draw(position); // screen image from the 2 source images
Now I'd like to add scale and rotation to the Draw() function, but am having real trouble getting the parameters to the SpriteBatch.Draw function correct. This would be the version which takes scale, rotation and an origin. I need the final composed image to scale and rotate correctly (around some arbitrary centre) but can't for the life of me work out how to manipulate the scale, rotation and origin parameters to make the 2 images appear to scale and rotate in concert. Has anyone done something like this before? Happy to mod the question based on feedback if anything's unclear. If images would help I can get them posted somewhere...
I've looked at rotation around point xna 2D but am still stumped.
Cheers, Charlie.
Thanks so much for the answer below - using it I've managed to get the images rendering correctly. One other issue remains, which is that I seem to need to use a lot of spritebatch.Begin/End pairs (one per image render). I don't have a way to measure performance on this device yet and the framerate's not chugging so I guess it's not a problem.
Here's my code:
// gr is the graphic object:
// gr.position is the location of the image in the atlas
// gr.DrawOffset is the draw offset so the image is placed correctly in it's virtual box
// gr.pageIndex is the index into the texture/atlas array
// hw,hh are half the width/height of the image (it always rotates around it's centre in fact)
Matrix m = Matrix.CreateTranslation(-hw, -hh, 0) *
Matrix.CreateRotationZ(rotation) * // rotation : parameter
Matrix.CreateScale(scale) * // scale : parameter
Matrix.CreateTranslation(pos.X + hw, pos.Y + hh, 0); // pos : parameter!
spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, null, null, null, null, null, m);
spriteBatch.Draw(page[gr.pageIndex].texture, gr.DrawOffset, gr.position, color);