my aim is to convert a massive excel sheet with different projects, employees and hours worked per month into an overview per employee. It should be possible to display the projects the employee is involved in and how many hours he worked per project per month. The original sheet looks something like this:
I managed to find the projects Person A worked in by filtering through the INDEX/MATCH function. I applied the formula to the whole row where the employees are listed and receive multiple results of projects. My question is how to transform the formula into something more effective to copy all of the matched results (projects) into a column (see 1).
This is what I have so far, if matches the employee name in a certain area; the output is the first match of the project he is involved in:
=INDEX(B2:J3;1;MATCH("Person A";Sheet1!B3:E3;0))
How can I copy this to the bottom cells to copy all of the matched results? Does it help to create an array formula with this?
?? – Gary's Student