I'm trying to deploy my application on Azure. Currently, I have an application gateway deployed in one subnet s1, and in the backend pool I have Linux VMs. As per the requirement, I cannot use any public ip so, I'm using only private ip on Application Gateway. Since we need the internet connection at the time of deploying application, I tried attaching NSG to the Application Gateway's subnet with inbound "Internet" allowed. When I attached the NSG to application gateway subnet, the backend health showed as unhealthy with error:
"Cannot connect to server. Check whether any NSG/UDR/Firewall is blocking access to server. Check if application is running on correct port."
I tried to add rules specified in MSFT's document https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/application-gateway/configuration-overview#allow-application-gateway-access-to-a-few-source-ips but its not helpful. So my questions are:
- Is there anything more I need to add to NSG on application gateway's subnet.
- Is it a good strategy to allow internet access using the inbound rule on NSG? (Inbound rule -> service tag -> Internet). Is there any other way I can have internet access just at the time of deployment? PS: I'm not allowed to use public IP at all.
Many thanks!