
I am trying to disconnect a TFS server and credentials from Visual Studio Team Explorer on an instance of Visual Studio 2019. I found a similar question on Remove TFS Connection From Visual Studio Team Explorer which was anwsered, but these steps do not seem to apply for VS 2019. I cannot find anything to remove the existing connections. What am I missing?


1 Answers


Go to Team Explorer, select the green plug symbol.

You will be able to see the connected/added list which contain both Azure DevOps Service and Azure DevOps Server in the pop-up dialog box.

Simply right click your TFS/Azure DevOps, then click Remove. Then your stored server url list will be removed.

enter image description here

Certainly, you could also select another server/organization here to quick switch to.

This way will disconnect your TFS connection and connect to another one, and it also keep the prior stored server url in list.