I am using the superhero
theme in Shiny together with the line below that helps to make the filter's text color black,
ui <- fluidPage(
theme = shinytheme("superhero"),
tags$head(tags$style("div.dataTables_scrollHead span {color: black;}")),
1. However, the fixed columns (time column 1) color is not inconsistent with that of the theme. It is white and difficult to see text. How do I change that to match the color of the superhero theme or change it to a more user friendly color?
Update: So I managed to the change fixed column color but I want one row to be dark blue and another to be light blue. Plus the row index and column header are still in white, as shown in image below.
output$mytable <- DT::renderDataTable(datatable(df,rownames = T,
extensions = "FixedColumns",style = 'bootstrap',
options = list(scrollX = TRUE, scrollY = TRUE,
autoWidth = F,
columnDefs = list(list(width = '145px', targets = c(1))),
%>%formatRound(c(2:l_agg), 2)%>% formatStyle('Timestamp',backgroundColor='#2B3E50'))
2. And right now the fixed column (time) is of character
type (casted from POSIXct
to character), I tried to put POSIXct
time in the datatable
but the time zone is different. How should I have the time column with type POSIXct
and format it properly in datatable ?
For instance this is the time series data I have, and ideally I want Shiny the data shown as below without the CST part.
[1] "2020-04-06 09:31:20.000 CST" "2020-04-06 09:31:51.000 CST" "2020-04-06 09:32:21.000 CST" "2020-04-06 09:32:50.000 CST"
[5] "2020-04-06 09:33:21.000 CST" "2020-04-06 09:33:51.000 CST"
The structure is
structure(c(1586136680.0005, 1586136711.0005, 1586136741.0005,
1586136770.0005, 1586136801.0005, 1586136831.0005), class = c("POSIXct",
"POSIXt"), tzone = "")
However, in Shiny, it is displayed as below, which is not what I want.