
When copying data from s3://bukcet1/aaa to s3://bucket1/bbb - does the ttl (Lifecycle Policy) of the objects preserves?

That is - if the bucket ttl is 10 days and I copy an object that is 9 days old, would the ttl be reseted to 10 days, or will be object be removed in a day?

What do you mean by a "bucket TTL"?John Rotenstein
By TTL I mean - time to live. That is - what is the retention policy of the files in the bucket. Is there a better terminology?Vitali Melamud
Are you referring to an Amazon S3 Lifecycle Policy? If so, please add that to your question.John Rotenstein
Please let me know if this is clearer nowVitali Melamud

1 Answers


I've checked this manually and I found that the copied files (objects) are set to a current "Last modified" data and their TTL (Expiration date) is set to according to the bucket policy from the "Last modified" time