
I've a website which has two hosts. mywebsite.a.com which uses proxy and mywebsite.b.com which should not use proxy. Now the mywebsite.a.com is redirecting the request to mywebsite.b.com along with proxy authentication resulting in connection reset error for mywebsite.b.com. How to overcome this error?

I've tried below options:

  1. Launch Jmeter with proxy settings jmeter -H my.proxy.server -P 8000 -u username -a password -N mywebsite.b.com
  2. Add proxy in advanced tab for only http requests which uses mywebsite.a.com but no luck

1 Answers


This can be solved by by following below steps.

  1. Create the req 1 with proxy enabled in advanced tab
  2. Uncheck the Follow Redirects option in req 1
  3. Capture the redirected request location in response headers
  4. Create new request (req 2) with details captured in previous request and run the scripts now