I am referring to documentation provided by azure at
I have made changes and make the code work for java using azure-mgmt-monitor dependency. Here is the code
public void listStorageMetricDefinition() {
String resourceId = "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/{storageAccountName}";
String subscriptionId = "*****************************";
String tenantId = "*****************************";
String applicationId = "*****************************";
String accessKey = "*****************************";
ApplicationTokenCredentials credentials = (ApplicationTokenCredentials) new ApplicationTokenCredentials(
applicationId, tenantId, accessKey, AzureEnvironment.AZURE).withDefaultSubscriptionId(subscriptionId);
MonitorManagementClientImpl clientImpl = new MonitorManagementClientImpl(credentials);
Date startTime = DateTime.now().minusMinutes(30).toDate();
Date endTime = DateTime.now().toDate();
//DateTime must be in below format
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss");
String startInterval = dateFormat.format(startTime);
String endInterval = dateFormat.format(endTime);
String timespan = startInterval + "/" + endInterval;
Period interval = Period.minutes(1);
String metricNames = "Egress";
String aggregation = "Total";
Integer top = null;
String orderby = null;
String filter = null;
String metricNamespace = null;
ResponseInner response = clientImpl.metrics().list(resourceId, timespan, interval, metricNames, aggregation,
top, orderby, filter, null, metricNamespace);
List<MetricInner> value = response.value();
for (MetricInner metric : value) {
System.out.println("id " + metric.id());
System.out.println("name " + metric.name().value());
System.out.println("type " + metric.type());
System.out.println("unit " + metric.unit());
List<TimeSeriesElement> timeseries = metric.timeseries();
timeseries.forEach(ts -> {
ts.data().forEach(dt -> {
System.out.println(dt.timeStamp() + "--" + dt.total());
By using above I am able to read the metrics values at storage account level, but how can I find the metrics at container level? e.g. if I have 3 containers inside my storage account, I need to find the metrics for each container instead for complete storage account.
Please suggest if there are other ways to find metrics at container level.