I added multi turn prompt to Qna maker. It renders the hyperlinks as buttons in QnAmaker but not on webchat. Is there a way to render them on webchat channel?
Note: I found a nodejs solution to this problem but I am looking for python way.
Here is my current code:
from botbuilder.ai.qna import QnAMaker, QnAMakerEndpoint
from botbuilder.core import ActivityHandler, MessageFactory, TurnContext
from botbuilder.schema import ChannelAccount
from config import DefaultConfig
class QnABot(ActivityHandler):
def __init__(self, config: DefaultConfig):
self.qna_maker = QnAMaker(
async def on_members_added_activity(
self, members_added: [ChannelAccount], turn_context: TurnContext
for member in members_added:
if member.id != turn_context.activity.recipient.id:
await turn_context.send_activity(
"Hi I am your Engineering Bot! Ask me a question and I will try "
"to answer it."
async def on_message_activity(self, turn_context: TurnContext):
# The actual call to the QnA Maker service.
response = await self.qna_maker.get_answers(turn_context)
if response and len(response) > 0:
await turn_context.send_activity(MessageFactory.text(response[0].answer))
await turn_context.send_activity("No QnA Maker answers were found.")