
I added multi turn prompt to Qna maker. It renders the hyperlinks as buttons in QnAmaker but not on webchat. Is there a way to render them on webchat channel?

Note: I found a nodejs solution to this problem but I am looking for python way.

Here is my current code:

from botbuilder.ai.qna import QnAMaker, QnAMakerEndpoint
from botbuilder.core import ActivityHandler, MessageFactory, TurnContext
from botbuilder.schema import ChannelAccount

from config import DefaultConfig

class QnABot(ActivityHandler):
    def __init__(self, config: DefaultConfig):
        self.qna_maker = QnAMaker(

    async def on_members_added_activity(
        self, members_added: [ChannelAccount], turn_context: TurnContext
        for member in members_added:
            if member.id != turn_context.activity.recipient.id:
                await turn_context.send_activity(
                    "Hi I am your Engineering Bot! Ask me a question and I will try "
                    "to answer it."

    async def on_message_activity(self, turn_context: TurnContext):
        # The actual call to the QnA Maker service.
        response = await self.qna_maker.get_answers(turn_context)
        if response and len(response) > 0:
            await turn_context.send_activity(MessageFactory.text(response[0].answer))
            await turn_context.send_activity("No QnA Maker answers were found.")


Update your question with link to the nodejs solution you found. It might help someone to understand. Also, it should not be too difficult to try to re-write the solution that you found in python.Amol

1 Answers


The Bot Framework doesn't currently have a working 'Multi-Turn QnA' sample in Python yet. There is a sample being worked on here:


As the Python SDK is being actively worked on, it's possible that the library here doesn't have the right methods to return whether or not a question has a follow up prompt (aka multi-turn). Keep an eye on the Python SDK for further work!