
I am developing a nuget package. It has a public Github repo. Is it possible to use AWS CodeBuild to perform the following actions after dev branch is merged to master:

  1. Build master in release
  2. Get nupkg file from bin/release folder and publish it to nuget.org
  3. Add that same file as a release to the github repo
  4. start a custom *.exe

1 Answers


Build master in release

Use Webhook with CodeBuild to build any branch: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codebuild/latest/userguide/sample-github-pull-request.html

Get nupkg file from bin/release folder and publish it to nuget.org

CodeBuild can run any arbitrary command in buildspec: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codebuild/latest/userguide/build-spec-ref.html#build-spec-ref-example

Add that same file as a release to the github repo

I am not sure, you may need to use a third party binary to achieve this which is run in buildspec

start a custom *.exe

Will you run this during build or deploy? If build, you can again run the command in buildspec, if deploy, you need to use a deploy service like CodeDeploy.