Is there a way to set schema name as variable in oracle procedure?
create or replace procedure test is v_schema varchar2(30);
insert into v_schema.tab_a ( a, b) select (a, b) from xyz;
end; /
You'd need to resort to dynamic SQL
create or replace procedure test
v_schema varchar2(30);
v_sql varchar2(1000);
v_sql := 'insert into ' || v_schema || '.tab_a( a, b ) ' ||
'select a, b from xyz';
dbms_output.put_line( 'About to execute the statement ' || v_sql );
execute immediate v_sql;
A couple of points
into a table named tab_a
but you don't know which schema that table is in is a red flag. That's unusual and often indicates a problem with your design. Very, very occasionally dynamic SQL is a wonderful tool when you need extra flexibility. But more often than not when you're thinking about a problem and dynamic SQL is the answer you want to reconsider the problem.