When I run my query function to datastore emulator, it just starts executing and doesn't stop. No errors are thrown, no nothing. CPU is heavily loaded until I just kill the job. I did set the environment variables, I even manually provided apiEndpoint to my query function
const datastore = new Datastore({
apiEndpoint: "http://localhost:8081"
Output from SDK is as follows:
Executing: cmd /c C:\Users\oskid\AppData\Local\Google\Cloud SDK\google-cloud-sdk\platform\cloud-datastore-emulator\cloud_datastore_emulator.cmd start --host=localhost --port=8081 --store_on_disk=True --consistency=0.9 --allow_remote_shutdown C:\Users\oskid\AppData\Roaming\gcloud\emulators\datastore [datastore] Mar 18, 2020 9:47:38 AM com.google.cloud.datastore.emulator.CloudDatastore$FakeDatastoreAction$9 apply [datastore] INFO: Provided --allow_remote_shutdown to start command which is no longer necessary. [datastore] Mar 18, 2020 9:47:38 AM com.google.cloud.datastore.emulator.impl.LocalDatastoreFileStub [datastore] INFO: Local Datastore initialized: [datastore]
Type: High Replication [datastore] Storage: C:\Users\oskid\AppData\Roaming\gcloud\emulators\datastore\WEB-INF\appengine-generated\local_db.bin [datastore] Mar 18, 2020 9:47:39 AM com.google.cloud.datastore.emulator.impl.LocalDatastoreFileStub load [datastore] INFO: The backing store, C:\Users\oskid\AppData\Roaming\gcloud\emulators\datastore\WEB-INF\appengine-generated\local_db.bin, does not exist. It will be created. [datastore] API endpoint: http://localhost:8081 [datastore] If you are using a library that supports the DATASTORE_EMULATOR_HOST environment variable, run: [datastore] [datastore] export DATASTORE_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:8081 [datastore] [datastore] Dev App Server is now running. [datastore] [datastore] The previous line was printed for backwards compatibility only. [datastore] If your tests rely on it to confirm emulator startup, [datastore] please migrate to the emulator health check endpoint (/). Thank you! [datastore] The health check endpoint for this emulator instance is http://localhost:8081/Mar 18, 2020 9:54:25 AM io.gapi.emulators.grpc.GrpcServer$3 operationComplete [datastore] INFO: Adding handler(s) to newly registered Channel. [datastore] Mar 18, 2020 9:54:25 AM io.gapi.emulators.netty.HttpVersionRoutingHandler channelRead [datastore] INFO: Detected HTTP/2 connection.
End output from my query function:
C:\Users\oskid\Desktop\my_project\cloud-functions\queryDS>npm start
[email protected] start C:\Users\oskid\Desktop\my_project\cloud-functions\queryDS functions-framework --target=staging_queryDS --port=443
Serving function... Function: staging_queryDS URL: http://localhost:443/ Supported severity levels: debug, info, notice, warning, error, critical, alert, emergency [notice] in [staging undefined queryDS] {"labels":{"appInstance":"staging","scope":"queryDS"}} : {"message":"[staging undefined queryDS] Invocation of function started"}
Nothing gets generated in datastore\WEB-INF\appengine-generated folder, and no indexes are added to the local index.yaml. Any ideas how to troubleshoot this?