
While I was deploying an application on some partition (on aws-ec2 instance) I got fatal error I'm out of space on this block No space left on device.

How do I increase ebs partitions volume size on aws ec2?

Which partition, root? E in EBS stands for Elastic. Just resize the volume in console to what you want. Obviously then you have to resize your partition from withing the OS to use the new space. If not sure how, spin up new instance, and test it out there. And before you attempt doing this on your primary one, make a snapshot of it for backup purposes.Marcin

2 Answers



  1. Go to your amazon machine and run lsblk (ls block) - useful Linux command which lists information about all or the specified block devices (disks and partitions). It queries the /sys virtual file system to obtain the information that it displays. The command displays details about all block devices excluding except RAM disks in a tree-like format by default.)

    loop0            7:0    0 93.9M  1 loop  /snap/core/123
    loop2            7:2    0   18M  1 loop  /snap/amazon-ssm-agent/456
    loop3            7:3    0   18M  1 loop  /snap/amazon-ssm-agent/789
    loop4            7:4    0 93.8M  1 loop  /snap/core/777
    xvda           202:0    0   20G  0 disk
    └─xvda1        202:1    0   20G  0 part  /
    xvdb           202:16   0   20G  0 disk  /home/boot
    xvdc           202:32   0   20G  0 disk
    ├─xvdc1        202:33   0   10G  0 part
    |  └─cryptswap1 253:0    0   10G  0 crypt
    └─xvdc2        202:34   0   10G  0 part
      └─crypttmp   253:1    0   10G  0 crypt /tmp
    xvdd           202:48   0   50G  0 disk
    └─enc_xvdd     253:2    0   50G  0 crypt /home
    xvde           202:64   0  8.9T  0 disk
    └─enc_xvde     253:3    0  8.9T  0 crypt /var/data
  2. Locate your disk volume name of the specific partition.

  3. Go to your amazon aws account -> ec2 -> instances -> Description Panel -> Block Devices -> Click on the right block -> Click on the volume id -> Right CLick on the block id -> Modify Volume -> Select The correct size

enter image description here

4.ssh your machine and perform the following commands (on the correct volume - in my example I chose increasing /home which is under enc_xvdd):

sudo cryptsetup resize enc_xvdd -v
sudo resize2fs /dev/mapper/enc_xvdd