
I want to Deploy angular js frontend (static files) as separate services in Google cloud App Engine in flexible environment .

I have deployed backend as separate services by configuring app.yaml.

Can anyone explain detailed procedure about how to deploy angular js in frontend as separate service in Google Cloud Platform App Engine Flexible environment ?

Here is a codelabs you can follow to host Angular app in App EngineNibrass H
i am using spring boot as backend with angular js frontend app . Above code provide detailed steps for node js with angularkhiladi

1 Answers


You can have your Spring Boot backend service and host Frontend on Cloud Storage or an another App Engine service.

Cloud Storage provides static hosting capabilities. You can upload your frontend files to a Cloud Storage bucket and configure your domain to serve content from that bucket. Here is a tutorial for setting a bucket up for static hosting.

Once your backend REST endpoints are set up, the frontend app can easily communicate with them using Angular's AJAX capabilities.

Or you can create an another service and sync the data from Cloud Storage to the service. You can follow the next tutorial to achieve that.