
We have a critical dashboard pulling data from our Excel "database" via power query. I have it set to automatically refresh every 30 minutes and just did a manual refresh. Checking the database, I see that there is new data (several dozen rows) however, the dashboard isn't showing new data for the last 8 hours. When I click "Refresh" or "Refresh All" it does show that it is running the query, but there is still no new data thereafter.

What am I missing? I apologize if I haven't provided all the necessary information, Power Query is new to me as these dashboards were previously in Google Sheets where I can just use IMPORTRANGE() to pull data between sheets.


Source = Excel.Workbook(File.Contents(Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="fPath"]}[Content]{0}[Column1] & "\Collin Walch - Analytics\Inside Sales Dashboards\PestMateDataDump.xlsm"), null, true),
SMR_Sheet = Source{[Item="SMR",Kind="Sheet"]}[Data],
#"Promoted Headers" = Table.PromoteHeaders(SMR_Sheet, [PromoteAllScalars=true]),
#"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(#"Promoted Headers",{{"First Name", type text}, {"Last Name", type text}, {"Customer Id", Int64.Type}, {"Branch", type text}, {"Service Template", type text}, {"Service Type Id", type any}, {"Primary Lead Source", type text}, {"Secondary Lead Source", type text}, {"Date Created", type date}, {"Time Created", type datetime}, {"Prospect Date Created", type date}, {"Prospect Time Created", type datetime}, {"Became Assigned Prospective Service Type Time", type datetime}, {"Date Contacted", type any}, {"Contacting Sales Rep", type text}, {"First Contact Method", type text}, {"Confirming Sales Rep", type text}, {"Transferred From Sales Rep", type text}, {"Date Transferred", type any}, {"Receiving Sales Rep", type text}, {"Date Received", type any}, {"Prospect Status", type text}, {"Lead Type", type text}, {"Non Sale Reason", type text}, {"Non Lead Reason", type text}, {"Date Sold", type any}, {"Created By User", type text}, {"Structure Type", type text}, {"Not Sold Original Non Sale Reason Employee", type text}, {"Extra Sales Rep Name", type text}, {"Marketing Lead", Int64.Type}, {"Recurring", Int64.Type}}),
#"Filtered Rows" = Table.SelectRows(#"Changed Type", each Date.IsInCurrentWeek([Date Created]))
#"Filtered Rows"

The Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="fPath"]}[Content]{0}[Column1] gets the current file path from a named range so that it can be updated from any of our computers.

There are also 4 other queries. 1 other coming from the same source, 1 coming from another Excel sheet in the same folder, and 2 coming from online sources. These are also set to refresh every 3-7 minutes.

I suspect this will be very hard to diagnose without the M code at the very least.Rory
So to start with the obvious - I assume the file has been saved with the new data in place? And the fpath variable is pointing to the correct file?Rory
Yes, those are both correct. It actually just updated, but it didn't update on my first 4 manual refreshes, and it should be updating automatically every 30 minutes.Spencer

1 Answers


You may try saving the workbook before refreshing, it worked-out for me.