Thanks for posting the query. The sub-query in your outermost SELECT clause needs to reference a relationship. For example, you can do the following on the Account and Contact objects to get a list of child Contacts for all Accounts:
SELECT Id, (SELECT Id FROM Contacts) FROM Account
I don't think you add a custom relationship to the User object so that sub-query won't work in your case. If you have a custom lookup on to the User object on BMCServiceDesk__Incident__c then you can traverse the parent relationship as follows:
SELECT Id, User__r.Department FROM BMCServiceDesk__Incident__c
Absent the custom relationship, I don't think you can do the inner join you are attempting in SOQL. You may need code the resembles the following to achieve it:
List<String> userEmails = new List<String>();
for(User user : [SELECT Id, Email FROM User WHERE IsActive = TRUE]){
List<BMCServiceDesk__Incident__c> incidents = new List<BMCServiceDesk__Incident__c>([
SELECT Id, BMCServiceDesk__Category_ID__c
FROM BMCServiceDesk__Incident__c
WHERE BMCServiceDesk__clientEmail__c IN :userEmails
If this is something you need often, it might make sense to create a Visualforce Page or Lightning component to display the results. You could also add a trigger to the BMCServiceDesk__Incident__c object to populate a new field which stores the User Id if the email belongs to a valid User. That way, you can use standard reporting to display the results.