
I'm trying to write my own function in R whose role is to automatically compute the correlation between genes and clinical features of interest. This is my code lines:

#Empty data.frame
cc1 <- data.frame(Estimate=paste("Site", 1:35), P.value="")
estimates = numeric(35)
pvalues = numeric(35)

#compute correlation between clinical feature and genes
computeCC = function(x)
  if (x = ""){
  for (i in 1:35) {
      cc<-cor.test(cor[,i], cor[,x],    
                   method = "spearman")
      estimates[i] = cc$estimate
      pvalues[i] = cc$p.value
      cc1$Estimate <- estimates
      cc1$P.value <- pvalues
      rownames(cc1) = colnames(cor)[1:35]}}}

in which, cor is a data frame including 1904 patients and 38 columns (35 genes + "lymph", "npi" and "stage"); "lymph", "npi" and "stage" are column names in cor and are three clinical features, i.e., number of positive lymph nodes, Nottingham prognostic index and tumor stage, respectively.

I'm wanting to write a function so that when I write something like:


It will show me the correlation coefficient and p-value between numbers of lymph nodes and each of 35 gene.

Similarly, when I write: computeCC(stage)

It will show me the correlation coefficient and p-value between tumor stage and each of 35 gene.

But right now, I have been running into a problem:

Error: unexpected '}' in: " cc1$P.value <- pvalues rownames(cc1) = colnames(cor)[1:35]}}"

This is my reproducible data:

cor <-  structure(list(NCOR1 = c(0.6488, 0.3312, -0.3336, 0.2663, -1.3986), ZFP36L1 = c(-1.4278, -1.9684, -1.4047, -1.1984, 0.397), SMAD4 = c(-0.5692, -2.5897, -1.4175, -2.2613, 0.6804), CDKN1B = c(-0.9829, -1.7246, -1.1409, -1.5033, -0.8475), CDH1 = c(-0.1387, 1.5924, -0.7637, 1.2737, 0.5298), PIK3R1 = c(0.2649, -0.2267, -0.6875, -0.8364, 1.3622), BRCA2 = c(0.6442, 1.2209, -0.6712, -1.0785, -0.296), KMT2C = c(-0.8759, -0.327, -0.0154, -0.7076, -0.0817), KRAS = c(0.5975, -0.0729, 0.0069, -1.3664, -0.9904), MUC16 = c(0.4375, -0.7318, -0.5569, -0.8224, -0.3882), CBFB = c(-0.9757, 0.9849, -0.9263, -1.7691, -0.7777), MAP2K4 = c(0.385, -0.6192, -1.5389, -0.1092, -2.4083), AHNAK2 = c(0.69, 0.2453, -0.0492, -1.0581, -0.2553), BAP1 = c(0.0535, -3.1571, 1.8473, -0.2338, -0.9715), ERBB2 = c(0.6171,4.4808, -0.643, 0.496, 1.1611), TP53 = c(-0.065, 1.3605, -0.0393, 1.6328, -0.3413), MAP3K1 = c(-1.241, -0.6619, -1.4874, -2.1246, 2.2862), ERBB3 = c(0.7237, -0.1072, -0.2926, -1.1115,0.5288), PTEN = c(-0.4454, -1.2554, -0.9175, -0.6936, -0.0996
), PIK3CA = c(-1.9252, -2.2674, -0.0451, -0.6883, -1.0361
), GPS2 = c(0.489, -0.363, 0.1914, -0.1519, 0.237), SF3B1 = c(1.0353, 
1.0428, 0.1198, -0.1978, 1.3932), AGTR2 = c(0.395, 1.7066, 
0.2963, 0.5277, 0.5876), SYNE1 = c(0.1814, -0.8717, -0.3925, 
-0.6181, 0.2515), GATA3 = c(0.727, -0.1693, 0.1266, 0.2467, 
0.7005), AKT1 = c(0.7579, 1.9675, -1.0293, -1.1985, -1.902
), FOXO3 = c(-0.1501, 0.0589, -0.3752, -0.4585, -0.8405), 
ARID1A = c(0.7732, -0.695, 0.0034, -0.9322, 0.5824), RB1 = c(-0.135, 
-0.6994, 0.487, 1.7919, 0.9048), CDKN2A = c(0.0647, 0.1072, 
-0.3117, -0.2668, -0.6555), MEN1 = c(-0.5376, 2.164, 1.2287, 
0.5037, 0.7852), NF1 = c(-0.5943, -0.2639, -0.8211, 0.2209, 
1.5184), TBX3 = c(-0.765, -0.2696, 0.1784, 0.6917, 0.3603
), CHEK2 = c(-0.5534, 1.8462, -0.8928, 0.7362, -0.3503), 
RUNX1 = c(-0.8007, -1.9473, 0.6226, -0.6965, 0.1434), lymph = c(1, 
5, 8, 1, 0), npi = c(4.036, 6.032, 6.03, 5.042, 3.046), stage = c(2, 
2, 3, 2, 2)), row.names = c("MB-0362", "MB-0346", "MB-0386", "MB-0574", "MB-0503"), class = "data.frame")

Can anyone suggest me an idea? Thanks in advance.

Hard to tell. The error is simply an off bracket somewhere. Could you share your data with dput(head(df,n))?NelsonGon
Yeah, sure, sir. drive.google.com/drive/u/0/my-drive df<-read.table('df.txt', sep = '\t', check.names = FALSE, header = TRUE, row.names = NULL)Huy Nguyen
Please provide the first 5 lines of the data as suggestet by @NelsonGon. Use the function dput() for this.MKR
Hi Huy Nguyen. Welcome to StackOverflow! I see that you are struggling with providing good example data in a format that is usable for others that want to help you. Please read the info about how to ask a good question and how to give a minimale reproducible example. That way you can help others to help you!dario
I have just provide reproducible data already. Sorry for my fault! @MKRHuy Nguyen

3 Answers


Try this. Your code has a number of problems. I have minimally modified it to (I think) get what you wanted.

computeCC = function(data, var) # Pass the data and a variable
  var <- eval(substitute(var), data, parent.frame()) # This may confuse you

  for (i in 1:35) {
    cc <- cor.test(data[,i], var, method = "spearman")
    estimates[i] = cc$estimate
    pvalues[i] = cc$p.value

# These belong outside the loop
  cc1$Estimate <- estimates
  cc1$P.value <- pvalues
  rownames(cc1) = colnames(cor)[1:35]

Then you call it and save the results:

cc2 <- computeCC(cor, lymph)

And then look at the results in cc2.

There are other changes that could be made to improve the code, but one step at a time.

Data provide by you:

cc1 <- data.frame(Estimate=paste("Site", 1:35), P.value="")
estimates = numeric(35)
pvalues = numeric(35)

I have tried to keep the function structure ( which can definitely be improved upon) to what you were trying to write :

computeCC = function(x)
    cc1 <- data.frame(name=paste("Site", 1:35),Estimate=NA ,P.value=NA)
    estimates = numeric(35)
    pvalues = numeric(35)
    for (i in c(1:35)) {
      cc=cor.test(cor[,i],cor[,x])  # mention the method explicitly if you want to

     rownames(cc1) = colnames(cor)[1:35]


> cc1
           name     Estimate   P.value
NCOR1    Site 1  0.123842113 0.8427233
ZFP36L1  Site 2 -0.568357574 0.3174529
SMAD4    Site 3 -0.480725033 0.4123901
CDKN1B   Site 4 -0.330612236 0.5868509
CDH1     Site 5 -0.339943380 0.5756579
PIK3R1   Site 6 -0.568101683 0.3177210
BRCA2    Site 7  0.065458611 0.9167151
KMT2C    Site 8  0.521021412 0.3679883
KRAS     Site 9  0.406528583 0.4970250
MUC16   Site 10 -0.338787942 0.5770417
CBFB    Site 11  0.375126137 0.5338257
MAP2K4  Site 12 -0.148551132 0.8115568
AHNAK2  Site 13  0.198285499 0.7491993
BAP1    Site 14  0.251796831 0.6828230
ERBB2   Site 15  0.001412623 0.9982014
TP53    Site 16  0.033297857 0.9576117
MAP3K1  Site 17 -0.380753401 0.5271922
ERBB3   Site 18 -0.251814676 0.6828010
PTEN    Site 19 -0.755059691 0.1400511
PIK3CA  Site 20  0.290714428 0.6351329
GPS2    Site 21 -0.252464062 0.6820009
SF3B1   Site 22 -0.343552477 0.5713393
AGTR2   Site 23  0.165631150 0.7900801
SYNE1   Site 24 -0.536445779 0.3513193
GATA3   Site 25 -0.719213282 0.1708848
AKT1    Site 26  0.248607276 0.6867549
FOXO3   Site 27  0.430492324 0.4693150
ARID1A  Site 28 -0.273943198 0.6556177
RB1     Site 29 -0.384189957 0.5231494
CDKN2A  Site 30  0.242973181 0.6937084
MEN1    Site 31  0.609644017 0.2749784
NF1     Site 32 -0.670039102 0.2159080
TBX3    Site 33 -0.075477911 0.9039899
CHEK2   Site 34 -0.005660548 0.9927928
RUNX1   Site 35  0.133233884 0.8308646
> cc2
           name       Estimate     P.value
NCOR1    Site 1  0.48465617704 0.408006568
ZFP36L1  Site 2 -0.82629260852 0.084607455
SMAD4    Site 3 -0.87281518266 0.053397753
CDKN1B   Site 4 -0.75022777439 0.144101826
CDH1     Site 5  0.08194436836 0.895782074
PIK3R1   Site 6 -0.84986938818 0.068235062
BRCA2    Site 7  0.09159854348 0.883536407
KMT2C    Site 8  0.14929428036 0.810621134
KRAS     Site 9  0.22613893825 0.714544197
MUC16   Site 10 -0.52100073451 0.368010756
CBFB    Site 11  0.35773390679 0.554429546
MAP2K4  Site 12  0.24169010029 0.695293378
AHNAK2  Site 13 -0.02307876193 0.970617816
BAP1    Site 14  0.00857051167 0.989087819
ERBB2   Site 15  0.21025246956 0.734283873
TP53    Site 16  0.54283256599 0.344473129
MAP3K1  Site 17 -0.68263449805 0.204095599
ERBB3   Site 18 -0.58993798568 0.295053985
PTEN    Site 19 -0.96008945668 0.009513672
PIK3CA  Site 20  0.10502883527 0.866519400
GPS2    Site 21 -0.60150437258 0.283225721
SF3B1   Site 22 -0.55953971804 0.326724402
AGTR2   Site 23  0.38051911497 0.527468083
SYNE1   Site 24 -0.87191165633 0.053960137
GATA3   Site 25 -0.91961553798 0.027026199
AKT1    Site 26  0.44418297389 0.453639104
FOXO3   Site 27  0.65557871536 0.229694002
ARID1A  Site 28 -0.68430594947 0.202542090
RB1     Site 29 -0.28148382493 0.646394380
CDKN2A  Site 30  0.50935264641 0.380721870
MEN1    Site 31  0.61847858859 0.266100528
NF1     Site 32 -0.72417687328 0.166510176
TBX3    Site 33 -0.00003856786 0.999950894
CHEK2   Site 34  0.40475255738 0.499091916
RUNX1   Site 35 -0.26198218509 0.670289901

As others have already mentioned, without minimal reproducible example its going to be hard to tell what went wrong.. but here are my five cents:

if (x = "") Has two problems: Use == to test for equality and if I understand your explanation correctly x is a vector, and this expressoion will only thest the first element of x. or maybe x is supposed to be a column name, but then the if clause makes no sense... A MRE would really make it easier to help you!