I am setting up B2C on my Angular (8) app with angular-oauth2-oidc. I have a sign in and a sign out policy and I have managed correctly to set up the angular-oauth2-oidc service. At the moment I am using the standard Microsoft login page which contains a Forgot Password link. I have created the flow for the Forgot Password in B2C, but I am struggling to integrate it in angular-oauth2-oidc. When I click the Forgot Password link, B2C throws an error "AADB2C90118"; to make sure that the flow is correct I have tested the flow creating an AuthConfig file such the one that I have created for the sign in policy; just with the Forgot Password flow information (in this case the users clicks a button and is redirected to the Forgot Password issuer) - and it works.
Is there any variable in the AuthConfig file that can be set as the Forgot Password endpoint or any way that can handle this issue?