
I am setting up B2C on my Angular (8) app with angular-oauth2-oidc. I have a sign in and a sign out policy and I have managed correctly to set up the angular-oauth2-oidc service. At the moment I am using the standard Microsoft login page which contains a Forgot Password link. I have created the flow for the Forgot Password in B2C, but I am struggling to integrate it in angular-oauth2-oidc. When I click the Forgot Password link, B2C throws an error "AADB2C90118"; to make sure that the flow is correct I have tested the flow creating an AuthConfig file such the one that I have created for the sign in policy; just with the Forgot Password flow information (in this case the users clicks a button and is redirected to the Forgot Password issuer) - and it works.

Is there any variable in the AuthConfig file that can be set as the Forgot Password endpoint or any way that can handle this issue?

Did you find any solution on this?Syeda Samreen

2 Answers


I managed to get it working by following a suggestion from the creator of the angular-oauth2-oidc library.

First, I created an OAuthErrorEventParams interface I can cast my OAuthErrorEvent.params to:

export interface OAuthErrorEventParams {
   error: string;
   error_description: string;
   state: string;

I then created this constant to represent my RedirectUrl to redirect to the password reset flow:

export const PasswordResetUrl = 'https://[tenantname].b2clogin.com/[tenantname].onmicrosoft.com/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?' +
    'p=[PasswordResetFlowName]' +
    '&client_id=' + authConfig.clientId +
    '&nonce=defaultNonce' +
    '&redirect_uri=' + window.location.origin + '/index.html' +
    '&scope=openid' +
    '&response_type=id_token' +

And then finally in my component that handles the setup and config of the Auth service, I added the below:

constructor(private oauthService: OAuthService) {
     this.oauthService.events.subscribe(e => {
       if (e instanceof OAuthErrorEvent) {
         const parm = e.params as OAuthErrorEventParams;
         if (parm.error === 'access_denied' && parm.error_description.includes('AADB2C90118')) {
           // redirect to forgot password flow
           window.location.href = PasswordResetUrl;
         } else if (parm.error === 'access_denied' && parm.error_description.includes('AADB2C90091')) {
           // user has cancelled out of password reset

I really hope this helps someone because I had a hell of a time finding a solution to this prior to landing up here.


For those who have this problem with the Code Flow (NO IMPLICIT GRANT), we have to edit the PasswordResetUrl like this:

export const PasswordResetUrl = 'https://[tenantname].b2clogin.com/[tenantname].onmicrosoft.com/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?' +
'p=[PasswordResetFlowName]' +
'&client_id=' + authConfig.clientId +
'&nonce=defaultNonce' +
'&redirect_uri=' + window.location.origin + '/index.html' +
'&scope=openid' +
'&response_type=code' +
'&prompt=login' +