When using the "stack" style (not "dodge") as with geom_bar or geom_col the totals get compromised with log scale. I manage to represent the correct total in a simple way (split chart) when ONE of the values is conspicuously more frequent than others, see Workaround (not log). But, the total problem remains for other cases and log scales. I would ask for a universal -automated- solution.
EDIT: After reading ggplot scale_y_log10() issue, I found it makes no sense to use log. So the answer to this question, should be how to generalize the split approach = workaround - not only for one frequent group -.
mydf2<-data.frame(date=c(rep("2020-02-01",25),rep("2020-02-01",25),rep("2020-02-02",35),rep("2020-02-02",40) ),
value= c(rep(LETTERS[1],39),rep(LETTERS[1:3],4),rep(LETTERS[1],39),rep(LETTERS[2],35) ) , stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
dateValueCount<-setDT(mydf2)[, .N, by=.(date, value)]
# date value N
# 1: 2020-02-01 A 43
# 2: 2020-02-01 B 4
# 3: 2020-02-01 C 3
# 4: 2020-02-02 C 1
# 5: 2020-02-02 A 39
# 6: 2020-02-02 B 35
prevalent1<-ggplot(mydf2, aes(date, fill = value)) +
geom_bar() + scale_y_continuous(breaks= breaks_pretty())
prevalent1log<-ggplot(mydf2, aes(date, fill = value)) +
geom_bar() + scale_y_continuous(trans='log2', breaks = log_breaks(7),
labels= label_number_auto()
# total Problem, real totals are 50 and 75
pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(1, 2)))
pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col = 1, layout.pos.row = 1))
pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col = 2, layout.pos.row = 1))
print( prevalent1log, newpage = F )
workaround (for only one prevalent value).
Answer should solve 2nd date and all possible cases over threshold
# get the most frequent per group
mydf3Max<-dateValueCount3[, .SD[ N== max(N) ] , by=date]
# date value N
# 1: 2020-02-01 A 43
# totals per group
dateCount<-mydf3[, .N, by=.(date)]
# date N
# 1: 2020-02-01 50
# transfer column to previous table
mydf3Max$totalDay <- dateCount$N[match(mydf3Max$date, dateCount$date)]
threshold <- 10 # splitting threshold
# remove groups with total lower than threshold
# the final height of A will be dependent on the values of B and C
# shrinkFactor for the upper part of the plot which begins in threshold
# part of our frequent value (A) count must not be shrinked
mydf3Max$notshrink <- threshold - mydf3Max$diff
# part of A data (> threshold) must be shrinked
# now sum the not-shrinked part with the shrinked part to obtain the transformed height
# transformation function - works for "dodge" position
# https://stackguides.com/questions/44694496/y-break-with-scale-change-in-r
trans <- function(x){pmin(x,threshold) + shrinkFactor*pmax(x-threshold,0)}
# dateValueCount3$transN <- trans(dateValueCount3$N)
# pass transformed column to original d.f.
dateValueCount3$N2 <- mydf3Max$NToShrinkShrinkedPlusBase[match(interaction( dateValueCount3[c("value","date")]) ,
interaction( mydf3Max[c("value","date") ] ) )]
# substitute real N with transformed values
dateValueCount3[which(!is.na(dateValueCount3$N2)),]$N <- dateValueCount3[which(!is.na(dateValueCount3$N2)),]$N2
yticks <- c(0, 2,4,6,8,10,20,30,40,50)
ggplot(data=dateValueCount3, aes(date, N, group=value, fill=value)) + #group=longName
geom_col(position="stack") +
geom_rect(aes(xmin=0, xmax=3, ymin=threshold, ymax=threshold+.1), fill="white") +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = trans(yticks), labels= yticks)
+coord_trans(y = "log2")
rather than doing the log transformation in thescale_
statement? – Andrew Gustar