The new Microsoft Edge program is now open to accept chromium-based extensions for the new Microsoft Edge (ver. 77 or above). I have tested my chrome extension on Edge browser and it gets installed in Edge browser. I am trying to reuse the native host in Edge browser which is developed for Chrome browser. But somehow it is not working.
Does anyone has any idea about how to support the chrome native host in Edge browser? or do I need to implement the native host by using UWP?
I have tried communicationg with native host from my edge extension but getting the "Unchecked runtime.lastError: Specified native messaging host not found." Error. code from .js file
var hostname = "";
port = chrome.runtime.connectNative(hostname);
Manifest( file for my native host
"name": "",
"description": "My Native Host",
"path": "C:\\EdgeNativeHost.exe",
"type": "stdio",
"allowed_origins": [
Added registry key by running shell command
REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Edge\NativeMessagingHosts\" /ve /t REG_SZ /d "C:\" /f
Please let me know what's the wrong with me?