
I have a report and the report has parameter (@date) for user to pick a date.

Currently, my parameter (@date) use Parameter Properties > Default Values > =Today() (For set today date as default paramter).

But I also want the parameter can disable the weekend days. So the user only can select the weekday.

How can i do it ? Please help.

No, this is not possible in SSRS. If you do a list of available values for the dates, then you loose the date picker functionality.Harry
Ohh, i just know it. Thankyou very much.harwin vigo
For your parameter (@date) what range do you expect the user to be limited to other than no weekend dates? for example + or - 60 days from current date?SuperSimmer 44
Nothing else. I just don't want the user choose the weekend date. Hmm... maybe i can use the Max() from date of my fields... maybe ?harwin vigo

2 Answers


You cannot disable weekends on the date picker. If the user selects a weekend date and that will not result in error. May I suggest using visibility to hide your tables/matrices based on the date they select?

In your table(s) properties, go to the table visibility option and use this expression:

=IIF(weekday(Parameters!YourParameterName.Value) = 1, TRUE,IIF(weekday(Parameters!YourParameterName.Value) = 7, TRUE, FALSE))

Add a textbox after your table(s), include an "error message" in the textbox to display for users if they select a weekend date. Go to the textbox property, visibility option and use this expression:

=IIF(weekday(Parameters!YourParameterName.Value) = 1, FALSE, IIF(weekday(Parameters!YourParameterName.Value) = 7, FALSE, TRUE))

I'm using nested IIF function in here but you can use SWITCH if desired.

The result is when a weekend date is selected, your textbox will be displayed with your message. Otherwise your table(s) will show.


If you don't mind losing the functionality of the date picker you could set up the @date parameter to use the following query, currently set to +/- 60 days from current date, which you could amend to suit your requirements:

;with dates ([startDate]) as (
Select convert(date,DateAdd("d",-60,(getdate()))) as [startDate] 
union all 
Select dateadd(day, 1, [startDate])
from dates
where [startDate] <= DateAdd("d",60,(getdate())))
select [startDate]
from dates
where datepart(dw,[startDate]) in (2,3,4,5,6)   
option (maxrecursion 32767)