Using Word 2013.
I found this previous question that is similar, but there was no accepted answer, and I'm not trying to build an add-in, so I hope I don't need something complex.
I have AutoNew and AutoOpen macros in my Normal.dotm. They are working great except that neither one of them fires when I open Word from the taskbar or other icon. In that situation, Word opens with the blank "Document1," but without the initialization I want.
Suppose my macros display a message with the document's name when a document opens or is created. I know this is silly, but it seems like a workable example.
If I open a document by clicking on it in File Explorer or by using File | Open or File | New, then the appropriate macro will fire and the message will pop up.
But if I just open Word from scratch, then no macro fires, and there is no message displaying "Document1."
I tried AutoExec to cover this situation, but when AutoExec fires, there is no active window and no document loaded yet.