
I have an upload form for images that once uploaded are then displayed automatically and randomly on a website. I would like to apply a colour tint to the images before they are saved, at the very least one green but preferably various colour tints which are saved in relevant folders /green/ /red/ /blue/ etc. so I can make skins for the site.

My hosting package doesn't allow me to install imagemagick so I'm looking for a way to achieve these results in html css and php preferably, as that's where my limited knowledge lies, but if that's not possible I will consider other options.

The duplicate above answers your question with CSS, with or w/o jquery.Michael Berkowski
i'm having problems with the css due to the fact that the images are used at a random size between x/x pixels both vertically and horizontally, the background colour ends up not matching the area of the imageJohn

2 Answers


is gdlib enabled? or you use aviary or one of their apis http://developers.aviary.com/filter-list http://developers.aviary.com/

Update: as Aviary is no more offering this service as before but here are some more good solutions:

take a look at Pixastic (coloradjust)



or PaintbrushJS (colour tint)




If the PHP on your hosting package is compiled with the GD library you could use that instead. imagefilter