As far as I understand I think you should use ReplicaSet.
You should create two ReplicaSet, first one for task A, and second one for task B.
A ReplicaSet is defined with fields, including a selector that
specifies how to identify Pods it can acquire, a number of replicas
indicating how many Pods it should be maintaining, and a pod template
specifying the data of new Pods it should create to meet the number of
replicas criteria. A ReplicaSet then fulfills its purpose by creating
and deleting Pods as needed to reach the desired number. When a
ReplicaSet needs to create new Pods, it uses its Pod template.
The link a ReplicaSet has to its Pods is via the Pods’
metadata.ownerReferences field, which specifies what resource the
current object is owned by. All Pods acquired by a ReplicaSet have
their owning ReplicaSet’s identifying information within their
ownerReferences field. It’s through this link that the ReplicaSet
knows of the state of the Pods it is maintaining and plans
A ReplicaSet identifies new Pods to acquire by using its selector. If
there is a Pod that has no OwnerReference or the OwnerReference is not
a Controller and it matches a ReplicaSet’s selector, it will be
immediately acquired by said ReplicaSet.
A ReplicaSet is responsible for running specified number of pod replicas at any given time.
Here is simple yaml configuration file for ReplicaSet:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: ReplicaSet
name: example
app: guestbook
tier: eg
replicas: 1 #provided appreciated amount of replicas
tier: eg
tier: eg
- name: php