
I have a folder containing 630 excel files, all with similar file names. Each file represents climate data in specific geographic areas for a month of a specific year. My goal is to find a way to iterate my importing of these files and find the average of values for specific variables. All files are titled as such:


where "ppt" represents climate variable the data is about, "2012" represents the year 2012 and "01" represents the month of January. The next file in the folder is titled:


where "ppt" represents the same variable,"2012" again represents the year 2012 and "02" this time represents the month of February. These repeat for every month of every year and for 7 different variables. The variables are titled:

ppt, vpdmax, vpdmin, tmax, tmin, tdmean, tmean

Each excel file contains >1500 observations of 11 variables where I am interesting in finding the average MEAN variable among all matching tl_2016_us variables. Some quick sample data is shown below:

tl_2016_us MEAN
14136      135.808
14158      132.435
etc.       etc.

It gets tricky in that I only wish to find my averages over a designated winter season, in this case November through March. So all files with 201211, 201212, 201301, 201302 and 201303 in the file name should be matched by tl_2016_us and the corresponding MEAN variables averaged. Ideally, this process would repeat to the next year of 201311, 201312, 201401, 201402, 201403. To this point, I have used

list.files(path = "filepath", pattern ="*ppt*")

to create lists of my filenames for each of the 7 variables.


2 Answers


I don't really get what the "tl_2016_us" variables are/mean.

However, you can easily get the list of only winter months using a bit of regular expressions like so:


# Assuming your files are already in your working directory
all_files <- list.files(full.names = TRUE, pattern = "*ppt*")
winter_mos <- str_subset(files, "[01, 02, 03, 11, 12]_\\w{3}$")

After that, you can iterate reading in all files into a data frame with map() from purrr:


data <- map(winter_mos, ~ read_xlsx(.x)) %>% bind_rows(.id = "id")

After that, you should be able to select the variables you want, use group_by() to group by id (i.e. id of each Excel file), and then summarize_all(mean)


Maybe something like (not very elegant):

filetypes = c("ppt", "vpdmax", "vpdmin", "tmax", "tmin", "tdmean", "tmean")
data_years = c(2012,2013,2014)

df <- NULL

for (i in 1:length(data_years)) {
  yr <- data_years[i]
  datecodes <- c(paste(yr,"11",sep=""), 
  for (j in 1:length(filetypes)) {
     filetype <- filetypes[j]
     file_prefix <- paste("PRISM",filetype,"stable_4kmM3",sep="_")

     for (k in 1:length(datecodes)) {           
        datecode <- datecodes[k]
        filename <- paste(file_prefix,datecode,"bil",sep="_")
        dk <- read_excel(filename)
        M <- dim(dk)[1]
        dk$RefYr <- rep(yr,M)
        dk$DataType <- rep(filetype,M)
        if (is.null(df_new)) {
          df <- dk
        } else {
          df <- rbind(df,dk) 

Once that has run, you will have a data frame containing all the data you need to compute your averages (I think).

You could then do something like:

df_new <- NULL

for (i in 1:length(data_years)) {
  yr <- data_years[i]
  di <- df[df$RefYr==yr,]
  for (j in 1:length(filetypes)) {
     filetype <- filetypes[j]
     dj <- di[di$DataType==filetype,]
     tls <- unique(dj$tl_2016_us)
     for (k in 1:length(tls)) {
       tl <- tls[k] 
       dk <- dj[dj$tl_2016_us==tl,]
       dijk <- data.frame(RefYr=yr,TL2016=tl,DataType=filetype,
       if (is.null(df)){
         df_new <- dijk
       } else {
         df_new <- rbind(df_new,dijk) 

I'm sure there are more elegant ways to do it and that there are some bugs in the above since I couldn't really run the code, but I think you should be left with a data frame containing what you are looking for.