I would like to, upon data being entered into a new row (from external sheet - date, time, stock ticker), use google finance to get the current price of the stock into a cell and then no longer update the price in that cell. In the cell next to it, I want to track the price and in the cell next to that, I want to track the high, since creation (the highest value of the 'current price' cell).
Here is my sheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EUU1bZnIfBatNI8H9pPk202PCD1g8wWXt5M0wx6S-jM/edit?usp=sharing
All I've got so far is a high value tracker that runs on the first row only for the right cells. Embarrasingly enough I can't figure out how to apply it to the entire columns.
So in summary, date time and stock will be entered into column A B and C. When that happens, I want to get the current price of the stock in C, and have that number no longer update. In D I want the price to be tracked, like Google Finance normally functions, and in E, the highest value of the D, in the same row.
That's the goal. Any help would be very much appreciated :)