I have a following SQL query:
SELECT q1.customerId, q1.invoiceId, q2.workId, sum(q2.price)
FROM (select customer.id as customerId, invoice.id as invoiceId, work.id as workId from customer, invoice, workinvoice, work where customer.id=invoice.customerid and invoice.id=workinvoice.invoiceId and workinvoice.workId=work.id
) as q1, (select work.id as workId, sum((price * hours * workhours.discount) + (purchaseprice * amount * useditem.discount)) as price from worktype,workhours,work,warehouseitem,useditem where worktype.id=workhours.worktypeid and workhours.workid=work.id and work.id=useditem.workid and useditem.warehouseitemid=warehouseitem.id group by work.id
) as q2
WHERE q1.workId = q2.workId group by q1.invoiceId;
This query should return me a sum of work prices for each invoice per customer.
I would be interested to know how to do this kind of query in Neo4J. I know that there is UNION https://neo4j.com/docs/cypher-manual/current/clauses/union/. However that does seem to do what I want. I need to make two subqueries and join them from same node as in that SQL example. What would be the correct way to do this with Cypher?
, andamount
? Also, which of these tables are just join tables? You haven't provided a graph model of this data, so we'll need some extra info from you to figure out what's relevant and should be included, and what's not and should be excluded from a graph data model. – InverseFalcon