
Consider the following file structure and content:

└─ test
    ├─ modules
    │  └─ math.mjs
    └─ main.mjs


export function square(v) { return v * v; }


import { square } from './modules/math.mjs';

On a simple page at http://server.local/module-test (through Apache web server), I'm trying to load the main.mjs:

<script type="module" src="http://server.local/js/test/main.mjs"></script>

but the browsers keep complaining about the MIME type, for example:

Failed to load module script: The server responded with a non-JavaScript MIME type of "". Strict MIME type checking is enforced for module scripts per HTML spec.

I've tried other relative-references (through /, ./ and ../) on the import statement to no avail!

So, what I've missed to have it working?

Configure the server to serve .mjs files with an appropriate javascript MIME type, or simply try using .js file extension.someOne

2 Answers


One of the conditions for a module to be loaded by the browser is that the server serves the module with a MIME type of application/javascript (or other appropriate MIME type depending on language and browser support; there's a new type javascript/esm for javascript modules that has mixed support). This means configuring the server provide a response header that includes at least Content-Type: application/javascript for javascript modules (or javascript in general).

From the error you're getting, it seems your server is either providing an empty Content-Type header or not providing it at all. This usually happens when trying to load modules from a file:// url, without a server, but can happen with a mis-configured server.

It's likely that the file extension .mjs is unrecognized by the server so its unable to serve it with the right MIME type.


I had the same problem with a web server at my hoster. ".mjs" is apparently not yet supported by many web servers. See also: https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth/js-mjs-mime-type-test

So, if the server does not respond with correct MIME-Type for .mjs or other files, you may be able to add this Type in the .htaccess with

<IfModule mod_mime.c>
  AddType text/javascript mjs

That solved the problem for me.