See EDIT1 at the end of the question for a possible solution - It would be great if somebody could comment on my interpretation, so that I can understand better what's happening
I'm writing a simple TCP client, based on QTcpSocket and managed by a QStateMachine (connect to server -> transmit data -> if disconnected for any reason, reconnect to server).
I noticed that if the connection is shut down on the server side (client is notified with RemoteHostClosedError), after reconnection the QTcpSocket write() method succeeds but no data is transmitted on the wire - nothing is received by the server, and the bytesWritten() signal on the client side does not fire up.
I found in the documentation for error() signal ( that
When this signal is emitted, the socket may not be ready for a reconnect attempt. In that case, attempts to reconnect should be done from the event loop".
I think I'm already ok with that, as the reconnection happens in one of the QStateMachine states, and QStateMachine should have its own event loop according to the QT docs.
Below some simplified code to reproduce the issue (sorry, not so minimal but I could not find a simpler way to show the problem):
#include <QObject>
#include <QTcpSocket>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QStateMachine>
class TestClient : public QObject
explicit TestClient(QObject *parent = nullptr);
public slots:
void start();
// FSM events
void fsmEvtConnected();
void fsmEvtError();
private slots:
void onSocketConnected(); // Notify connection to TCP server
void onSocketDisconnected(); // Notify disconnection from TCP server
void onSocketBytesWritten(qint64 bytes); // Notify number of bytes written to TCP server
void onSocketError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError err);
// FSM state enter/exit actions
void onfsmConnectEntered();
void onfsmTransmitEntered();
void onfsmTransmitExited();
// Member variables
QTcpSocket* m_socket; // TCP socket used for communications to server
QStateMachine* m_clientFsm; // FSM defining general client behaviour
void createClientFsm(); // Create client FSM
#endif // TESTCLIENT_H
#include "testclient.h"
#include <QState>
#include <QThread> // Sleep
TestClient::TestClient(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
m_socket = new QTcpSocket(this);
connect(m_socket, SIGNAL(connected()),this, SLOT(onSocketConnected()));
connect(m_socket, SIGNAL(disconnected()),this, SLOT(onSocketDisconnected()));
connect(m_socket, SIGNAL(bytesWritten(qint64)),this, SLOT(onSocketBytesWritten(qint64)));
connect(m_socket, SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)), this, SLOT(onSocketError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)));
void TestClient::start()
void TestClient::onSocketConnected()
qDebug() << "connected...";
emit fsmEvtConnected();
void TestClient::onSocketDisconnected()
qDebug() << "disconnected...";
emit fsmEvtError();
void TestClient::onSocketBytesWritten(qint64 bytes)
qDebug() << bytes << " bytes written...";
void TestClient::onSocketError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError err)
qDebug() << "socket error " << err;
void TestClient::createClientFsm()
m_clientFsm = new QStateMachine(this);
// Create states
QState* sConnect = new QState();
QState* sTransmit = new QState();
// Add transitions between states
sConnect->addTransition(this, SIGNAL(fsmEvtConnected()), sTransmit);
sTransmit->addTransition(this, SIGNAL(fsmEvtError()), sConnect);
// Add entry actions to states
connect(sConnect, SIGNAL(entered()), this, SLOT(onfsmConnectEntered()));
connect(sTransmit, SIGNAL(entered()), this, SLOT(onfsmTransmitEntered()));
// Add exit actions to states
connect(sTransmit, SIGNAL(exited()), this, SLOT(onfsmTransmitExited()));
// Create state machine
void TestClient::onfsmConnectEntered()
qDebug() << "connecting...";
m_socket->connectToHost("localhost", 11000);
// Wait for connection result
qDebug() << "Error: " << m_socket->errorString();
emit fsmEvtError();
void TestClient::onfsmTransmitEntered()
qDebug() << "sending data...";
m_socket->write("TEST MESSAGE");
void TestClient::onfsmTransmitExited()
qDebug() << "waiting before reconnection attempt...";
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include "testclient.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
TestClient client(&a);
return a.exec();
To test, you can just launch netcat (nc -l -p 11000) , then close the nc process after receiving TEST MESSAGE and finally relaunch it again. The second time, TEST MESSAGE is not received, and we don't have the onSocketBytesWritten() printout, see below:
sending data...
12 bytes written... <<<<<<<<<< Correct transmission, event fires up
socket error QAbstractSocket::RemoteHostClosedError
waiting before reconnection attempt...
sending data... <<<<<<<<<< No transmission, event does not fire up, no socket errors!
EDIT1: I found out that if I create the QTcpSocket on connection and destroy it on disconnection, the problem does not happen. Is this the expected/proper way to use sockets?
Wouldn't it be possible instead to create the socket just once and just connect/disconnect? Maybe it is just a matter of flushing or cleaning up in a specific manner, but I could not find it so far.
Here are the modifications that make the code above work on server-side disconnection:
Move socket creation from class constructor to onfsmConnectEntered() - handler for entry in the "Connect" QState:
void TestClient::onfsmConnectEntered()
m_socket = new QTcpSocket(this);
connect(m_socket, SIGNAL(connected()),this, SLOT(onSocketConnected()));
connect(m_socket, SIGNAL(disconnected()),this, SLOT(onSocketDisconnected()));
connect(m_socket, SIGNAL(bytesWritten(qint64)),this, SLOT(onSocketBytesWritten(qint64)));
connect(m_socket, SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)), this, SLOT(onSocketError(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)));
qDebug() << "connecting...";
m_socket->connectToHost("localhost", 11000);
// The rest of the method is the same
Delete the socket on disconnection, so that it is deallocated and will be created again on reconnection:
void TestClient::onSocketDisconnected()
qDebug() << "disconnected...";
m_socket = nullptr;
emit fsmEvtError();