
We developed an IE plugin with the firebreath framework. The plugin can run correctly in some environment with Windows 7 and IE10, but can't in another environment with the same OS and browser.

This error message is shown:

enter image description here

the picture can't be viewed. posted the log below: [ xxx service] plugin is not valid (call initMessage) connect_error error occurwhen sio socket try to connect. Error: xhr poll error reconnect_failed sio socket try too much reconnect attempts. 3 invalid topic to unsubscribe! reconnect_error error occur when sio socket try to reconnect. Error: xhr poll error [xxx service] plugin is not valid (call releaseMessage)Water Wang

1 Answers


It's impossible to be certain, but my guess would be that your issue is your DLL has dependencies which aren't available on the system where it won't load; use Dependency Walker to see what dependencies there are which aren't available.