I have created a Postgresql database A using liquibase changesets. Now, I'm creating an application that allows creating a new database B and copies the schema from database A in real-time including the liquibase changesets as the database can still be updated later. Note that at the time of the copied schema in database A could already be updated, making the base changesets outdated.
My main question would be:
- How to copy PostgreSQL schema x from database a (dynamically generated at run-time) to b using liquibase? Database b could be on another server.
- If it's not possible with liquibase, what other tools or approaches would make this possible?
Let me add more context:
- We initialize a new database a schema using liquibase changeset.
- We can add a new table and field to the database an at run-time. Or during the time when the application is running. For example, we add a new table people to the schema of database a, which is not originally in the changeset. This is done using liquibase classes too. So changeset is added to databasechangelog table.
- Now, we create a new database b.
- We want to import the schema of the database a to b, with people table.
I hope that is clear.