I am running this function that saves simulated data from another sheet. These ranges are the data that I want saved to the last row of another sheet. So for instance if I run the sim today 12/19 - I want the data to be appended to the last row after the sim data I ran yesterday 12/18.
1.It doesn't copy the entire range of "B5:L6" it copy's C5:G6 or something like that
- It doesn't append the rows downward, it moves the items down and copy's the last range to the first row IE 10,9,8,7 instead of 7,8,9,10
Any direction with this would be very much appreciated
function saveSimData() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var s = ss.getSheetByName('Avery Sim 2.0');
var destSheet = ss.getSheetByName("Test2");
var simDataList = s.getRangeList(['B5:L6', 'B7:L8','B9:L10','B11:L12','B13:L14','B15:L16','B17:L18','B19:L20','B21:L22','B23:L24','B25:L26','B27:L28','B29:L30','B31:L32','B33:L34']);
var simData = simDataList.getRanges();
var numGames = s.getRange('N10').getValue();
var lastRow = destSheet.getLastRow();
for (var i=0;i<numGames;i++){
simData[i].copyTo(destSheet.getRange(lastRow +1,2), {contentsOnly:true});