It can be done but requires a hack with the XML since it seems epplus does not currently support the Pivot
property on ConditionalFormatting
So, if you have a pivot table and add the formatting, you can set the flag so Excel associates it with the Pivot table in the worksheet. For example:
public void Pivot_Table_Conditional_Format()
//Throw in some data
var dt = new DataTable("tblData");
new DataColumn("Group", typeof (string)),
new DataColumn("MValue", typeof (int)),
new DataColumn("Month", typeof (int)),
new DataColumn("String", typeof (object))
var rnd = new Random();
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
var row = dt.NewRow();
//This adds some randomness to the number of groups that will be created
row[0] = $"Group {rnd.Next(1, 100)}";
row[1] = i * rnd.Next(1, 100);
//This adds randomness to the columns so not guaranteed to be all 12
row[2] = rnd.Next(1, 12);
row[3] = Path.GetRandomFileName();
//Create a test file
var fi = new FileInfo(@"c:\temp\Pivot_Table_Conditional_Format.xlsx");
if (fi.Exists)
using (var pck = new ExcelPackage(fi))
var wsData = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Data");
wsData.Cells.LoadFromDataTable(dt, true);
var wsPivot = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Pivot");
var pivotTable1 = wsPivot.PivotTables.Add(
, wsData.Cells[1, 1, wsData.Dimension.End.Row, wsData.Dimension.End.Column]
, "DataPivot"
//Grouping will be by the "Group" column
//Columns will be months
//Set conditional formatting but have to determine the range in the pivot table
var groups = dt
.Select(row => row["Group"])
var columns = dt
.Select(row => row["Month"])
var colOffset = pivotTable1.FirstDataCol;
var groupOffset = pivotTable1.FirstDataRow + pivotTable1.FirstHeaderRow;
var range = new ExcelAddress
pivotTable1.Address.Start.Row + groupOffset
, pivotTable1.Address.Start.Column + colOffset
, groups.Count + groupOffset
, columns.Count + colOffset
var cond = wsPivot.ConditionalFormatting.AddGreaterThanOrEqual(range);
cond.Formula = "100";
cond.Style.Font.Color.Color = Color.Black;
cond.Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;
cond.Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.Color = Color.Yellow;
//Only way to set the pivot table as the target is with XML Hack
var parent = cond.Node.ParentNode;
var doc = parent.OwnerDocument;
//Need an attribute "pivot" with a value of "1" (true)
var att = doc.CreateAttribute("pivot", doc.NamespaceURI);
att.Value = "1";
which gives this: