I am using Hadoop example program WordCount to process large set of small files/web pages (cca. 2-3 kB). Since this is far away from optimal file size for hadoop files, the program is very slow. I guess it is because cost of setting and tearing the job are far greater then the job itself. Such small files also cause depletion of namespaces for file names.
I read that in this case I should use HDFS archive (HAR), but I am not sure how to modify this program WordCount to read from this archives. Can program continue to work without modification or some modification is necessary?
Even if I pack a lot of files in archives, the question remains if this will improve performance. I read that even if I pack multiple files, this files inside one archive will not be processed by one mapper, but many, which in my case (I guess) will not improve performance.
If this question is too simple, please understand that I am newbie to the Hadoop and have very little experience with it.